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organized by Natsue Asai


We are artists who got connected on Skype in March 2020.
At the time, I was also restricted from going out in Milan, and other members stayed at home in Germany, and some members switched to remote work in Tokyo. What we have in common is that we are artists, and at that time the world was constantly advocating "take distance", and that time staying at home made us meet on skype. 
And we made a place called PUKAPUKA in the virtual space to continue our creativity works. 
Even in this inconvenienced time of the life, Creating art works means life for us.
It was fun and creative we had done many creative things at PUKAPUKA, so we decided to hold an exhibition to the public with the theme of "distance" online virtual. It born in this time of life, and for the next six months (from September 2020 to the exhibition) we will face this theme of "distance" as a production. In this production, each member will hold a workshop for themselves in order to deepen this theme, and after that, each member will work on their own interpretation.
In this workshop, we will create a starting point for thinking about this theme in two processes, and aim to broaden the range of interpretation by doing it with members.
1. This is an image language that each has about the word "distance". work to expand the interpretation of the word by sharing it with members who have different experiences
2. Next, we move away from language and capture the image of distance that each sense has with their five senses and express it in their works. However, the representation of the work of art shall be flat.

What to use:

・Three different materials (but that can be cut and placed on the paper)
・Three sheets of paper (any size)

22:20 - 23:00 (10 minutes)
step1 Collect words associated with the word "distance".
step2 Think about distance in the unconscious mind with the five senses and human sense organs.
step3 Check "distance" in other languages by image search and dictionary.

23:05 - 23:20 (15 minutes)
Create two or three two-dimensional artworks based on the word "distance" as perceived by the sensory organs and imagined by each of the five senses.
Do not use only one material, but combine materials to express.
The works will be created by cutting and pasting three types of materials prepared in advance on a base.



Normally, when I do artwork alone, I think I come up with ideas to follow my own thoughts.
This time, by brainstorming with five members, I was able to break away from my own image of the theme and create a new image.
The brainstorming session was a good starting point for the group work.

What was impressive in the workshop?
☆I realized that distance is not only something that can be measured by a certain standard, but that there are more complicated circumstances inherent in it, such as physical distance, mental distance, and pictorial distance.
☆Japanese people are very aware of the "distance" that we call "Ma" (it mean timing,tempo,space) that is created when interacting with others, such as the distance between direct conversations or messages, or the feeling of invasion of personal space when asking about private matters or when one's body is close to another. (We call it the second sense of touch)

企画:Natsue Asai







step1 distanceという言葉から連想する言葉集め
step2 五感や人の感覚器官で無意識下でのdistanceについて考える







I think that the initial discussion about the meaning and image of the word "distance" was very meaningful for all the workshops that followed. It was interesting to see how many different images of "distance" came up during the discussion.

Hearing… The voice itself is not something that we can easily see in our daily lives, but it is certainly there, and it gives change to those who catch it. The voice is represented by a transparent film, and the person who emits the voice and the person who receives the voice are represented by fruit packing material.

Sense of distance between people… I think there is a balance of emotions between people. If it is biased towards one or the other emotion, the psychological distance between the two people will grow apart. In order for the two of them to remain psychologically close, they may need to be aware of balancing each other well so as not to be biased one way or the other. I used paper and fruit packing material to represent the psychological distance between two people in the form of a balance.



聴覚… 発された声というもの自体は日常生活において分かりやすく目に見えるものではないが、確かに存在していてそれをキャッチしたものに変化を与える。声は透明フィルム、声を発する人と声を受け取る人を果物の梱包材で表現した。

人と人の間の距離感覚… 人と人の間には想いの天秤があるように思う。それがどちらか一方に偏ってしまうと、両者の精神的な距離は離れていってしまう。近い距離でい続けるには、一方に偏らないように互いにうまくバランスをとる意識が必要なのかもしれない。紙と果物の梱包材を使い偏りつつある天秤を作った。

Expressing "Distance" with materials prepared at home. I used tracing paper to visualize false images and dim figures created by distance. It was a time to rethink the word "Distance", which we have been using without paying attention to.




By redefining the word “distance“ and discussing how we can expand the depth and breadth of our expression, I think this workshop has given us a solid foundation on which to build a house as a group project. As I had just moved to Strasbourg, everything I saw was new and interesting, even the colours of the fallen leaves were new to me and I played with them.

Tactile... Touching a leaf separated by a transparent tape. Is it the transparent tape or the leaves that you feel?
Hearing... A randomly carved leaf makes a disturbance in your mind. There is a sound we cannot hear, but we can hear with our mind.
Sight...There is a slight distances between left eye and right eye and we are seeing deviated images.
Taste... Even when food is transformed into letters, our minds can still imagine what it tastes like.



触覚… 透明なテープで隔てられた葉を触る。触覚として感じているのは透明なテープか、葉なのか。
聴覚… 無造作に刻んだ葉が心を騒つかせる。聞こえないが、聞こえる音がある。
視覚… 私たちの二つの目は同じ像を見ているようで、目の間の距離だけずれた像を見ている。
味覚… 食べ物が変身して文字になったとしても、私たちのアタマはあたかも味を想像できる。


By talking about each member's idea of distance, we were able to think more deeply about the theme.
It was interesting to hear the words that emerged from the distance, words that would not have come up if it had not been for the situation of the coronavirus.

Visual distance... brightly coloured packages of ginger are chopped and scattered on an upside-down shopper. Fragments of eye-catching colours rain down, information is lost!

Thought Distance... I took words from the package that I didn't understand at a glance, numbers that I didn't need to understand, and covered them with cushioning material. They represent thoughts that are not within reach and that are received in a hazy way.





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