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Fuki ( called "Ayaka" in PUKAPUKA. )

born in 1990, living in Tokyo, Japan.
An Illustrator, picture book writer, designer and animal lover.

I've always been fascinated by things that leave room for imagination, things for which I don't know the answer for sure.
My imagination expands from what I see day by day. For example, a stray cat's view of human beings, the roots of a plant that grew wild in my garden without my noticing, or the enthusiasm of a migratory bird that decides to fly away tomorrow, etc.(Probably that's why I like animals so much, because they stimulate my imagination.)
I would like to create my works by listening to the things that exist quietly like that.

Fuki in our eyes


At every workshop she shows us what professionalism is all about. I've never met anyone who is so polite about everything. Besides, her sensitivity, which is not flat, is felt at every meeting. Sadly these meetings are always too short. ( I hope to meet her someday.)  by Mizuki


We met eight years ago in Freiburg and set sailed as artists, as if our turning points were in sync with each other. For me, she is almost like a beautiful square pool. She welcomes you with polished tiles so that you could swim pleasantly.  by Yuka


She always uses beautiful words. The whole world would be brightened through her eyes.  by Waka


初めて画面上で出会った時から人を安心させる朗らかな雰囲気を纏っていた それは作品から受ける印象と少しも違わずその優しさは際限がない いつも、きちんと、コツコツと努力ができてしっかり成果を出す そんな物事への態度に強い意志を感じる それは人に対してもとても誠実であるということだと思う

From the moment we first met on the screen, she had a reassuring, cheerful atmosphere, which was no different from the impression she received from her work, and her kindness had no limit. She always felt a strong will to take an attitude toward things that she could work hard and do well, which I think means that she is very sincere to people.  by Natsue

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